Adult Coaching

Nantwich Tennis Club Coaching Adult

Adult Development Coaching

So you have decided you want to play tennis or perhaps you want to return to the tennis court after a break away.

Then our adult coaching class is best for you!

With expert coaching on hand, learn in a fun and social group with other group members.

What are you waiting for!

Adult Intermediate Coaching

Join my Adult Intermediate coaching course to further progress your tennis.

This is for Club Standard players looking to improve their game for team or social play.

The Coffee Club

Love playing tennis but want to improve? Love coffee? Love a social learning environment?

Then join The Coffee Club by Paul Armstrong Tennis.

At 10am on a Tuesday morning, come and play with others and receive court side hints and tips. Afterwards, coffee is on me.

Cardio Tennis

What to get fitter? But like me you don't want to go for a run! Or perhaps you are just a fitness fanatic!

Then cardio tennis is the course for you!

While you run around hitting tennis balls, with music playing in the background, this fun fitness class will burn those calories while also improving your tennis.

Don’t forget you can still book private lessons with me for bespoke training